EnvisioKnit Intwined Pattern Studio, Chico, California, USA, available since 2010, current version 1.5 Stitchmastery
Price $99 from www.envisio.knit.com $44 from www.intwinedstudio.com or www.knitpicks.com 60 English Pounds from www.stitchmastery.com
customize existing stitches X X
chart to text conversion X X X
text to chart conversion X
'on-the-fly' generation of written instructions X X
add new stitches and Symbols X X
built-in symbol editor for creating new stitch symbols X
copy & paste editing X X
mirror image copy and paste X X
Advanced editing rotate, flip, crop edit operations rotate, and flip
key generation X X
option to include wrong side instructions in key, for all stitches X X
option to include wrong side instructions in key, for selected stitches X
add text annotations to chart and directly edit chart text and keys X X
chart export Preview and look and feel customization X X
export formats for chart SVG, BMP, PNG, JPG, Microsoft Word (DOCX), Open Office (ODT) and PDF SVG, PNG, JPG
export formats for key SVG, BMP, PNG, JPG, Microsoft Word (DOCX), Open Office (ODT) and PDF to build-in pattern document then screenshot
option to include stitch counts in written instructions X
multiple stitch libraries with ability to transfer stitches between libraries X
option to include index lines on charts X
multiple charts in same file or project X X
hiding of 'no stitch' cells at edge of chart X
detection and compression of stitch and row repeats in written instructions X
error detection (stitch count validation for rows) X